Monday, September 8, 2014

The Jewish Theatre presents Ohad Naharin's GAGA

What is Gaga? Gaga is many many things. It's a lot about multi layer tasks. But maybe it's about strengthening our engine. It's a workout. It helps the users to identify their movements habits, and helps them to acquire new ones. It's about finding connection between effort and pleasure, where pleasure it's something like making sure you don't hurt yourself even in the most excruciating moments of effort, when you also connect to the idea of joy, of pleasure, and you take care of yourself just through this connection. It's about speed, it's about texture. It's about connection to our flesh, in a sense that we really feel the connection between our bones, our skin, and the flow of energy it's very very important. And this is not movement dependent. The idea of flow of energy, of how we say some traveling stuff. That we are aware of information that is going through our body, that enter our body and leave our body. Sometimes people, all of us, block this information, and when we block this information we create blockages, we create also atrophy, weakness, injuries. So becoming aware of the flow of energy when we move and when we don't move, it takes a lot about well being and longevity. Gaga is about longevity. It's a female force, it's not so much a macho force. Dowie makes you stronger.
The teacher gives you a safety net, a safety net to be insecure and enjoy yourself still. That's the all idea, that you come shy but you are not managed by your insecurity. Shy is a nice quality, nobody tells you not to be insecure. Insecure can still do great things, sometimes over confident actually can kill.

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