Wednesday, April 22, 2015

GYROTONIC(R) International Headquarters Video.5 -

The following are quotes by Juliu Horvath regarding Gyrotonic Expansion System movement qualities:[1]
“The octopus, the monkey and the cat are my basic models because they can move in any direction at any given time with strength and control because they have no restrictions. The human body has restrictions, but I can model the body ─ within the framework of its restrictions ─ to move in a similar way, to be free,”
“I want music in my body and poetry in my body, and I want to be skillful without struggle; it has to come without struggle.”
“I discovered Kundalini energy through my pain and agony, and somehow that awakened me. Being awakened energetically means that you can read the movement when it is not a movement yet. You are like a little child who is totally unconscious and not prepared to make movement happen. Children move because something moves them from within.”


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